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From the Division: Weekly newsletter

  • 1.  From the Division: Weekly newsletter

    Posted 11-29-2024 10:23

    Dear Management History Enthusiasts,

    There it is the weekly summary of news shared with our community:

    1. Special Issues: Call for Papers - This week, we spotlight three significant opportunities to contribute to the academic dialogue on management history and its relevance to contemporary issues:

    • Journal of Management History: Call for Literature Reviews
      The Journal of Management History invites submissions of critical and analytical literature reviews that trace the evolution of ideas and trends within the field. Authors are encouraged to engage with key contributors and pivotal developments to provide a comprehensive perspective on management history.
      • Submission Requirements: Manuscripts of 7,000–9,000 words.
      • Deadline: Rolling submission.
      • Guest Editor Contact: Jeffrey Muldoon, Emporia State University (jmuldoon@emporia.edu).
        Submit Here
    • Journal of Management History: Historical Present
      This special issue aims to revitalize historical theories by applying them to contemporary management challenges. Submissions are expected to analyze current organizational phenomena through the lens of historical insights, bridging the past and the present.
    • Business History: Sustainability Transitions in Business History
      This special issue seeks to examine the historical role of businesses in fostering, resisting, or adapting to sustainability transitions. Themes may include historical responses to environmental challenges, lessons from green industries, and insights for modern sustainability efforts.
      • Abstract Submission Deadline: January 30, 2025.
      • Authors’ Workshop: June/July 2025.
      • Full Paper Deadline: September 2025.
      • Special Issue Editors: Mattias Näsman (Umeå University), Odinn Melsted (Maastricht University), Mar Rubio Varas (Universidad Pública de Navarra).
        More Information

    2. Demystifying Management History Toward AOM 2025:
    In preparation for the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Copenhagen, the Management History Division is proud to announce the launch of its new initiative, Demystifying Management History. This initiative seeks to illuminate the unique contributions of management history to understanding and addressing contemporary organizational challenges. As articulated by Matteo Cristofaro, Division Chair-Elect:

    “Management history is not merely the recounting of past events. It is about uncovering the narratives, individuals, and institutions that shape our collective understanding of management thought and practice today.”

    We invite scholars to submit papers and proposals for Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) that explore historical perspectives on management, memory, and temporality.

    • Submission Center Opens: Early December.
    • Submission Deadline: January 7, 2025, at 17:00 ET (GMT-5).
    • For Scholarly Contributions: Contact Program Chair Diego M. Coraiola, University of Victoria.
      Details on Submissions
    • For PDW Proposals: Contact PDW Chair Bill Foster, University of Alberta.
      Details on PDWs

    3. EURAM 2025: Management History in Florence: The European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2025 will be hosted in Florence, Italy - a city synonymous with innovation, leadership, and the arts. Within SIG 12: Research Methods and Research Practice (RM&RP), the track on Management History, Theory, and Philosophy invites scholars to explore the historical evolution of management, including its implications for strategy, entrepreneurship, and international business.

    • Track chairs include leading scholars such as Matteo Cristofaro (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Augusto Sales (FGV EPGE), Anna Spadavecchia (University of Strathclyde), and Steffen Roth (Excelia Group).
    • This is an unparalleled opportunity to present groundbreaking research while engaging with a vibrant community of historians and theorists in a historic setting.
    • Learn More

    4. Publication Spotlight: Business & Society

    The latest issue of Business & Society (Volume 63, Issue 8) offers a diverse collection of articles exploring key topics at the intersection of business and society, including ESG outcomes, hybrid ventures, and corporate accountability. Access the Full Issue Here

    5. Claude Lévi-Strauss: A Legacy Remembered: This week marks the birth of Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009), whose pioneering work in structural anthropology continues to inspire scholars across disciplines. Lévi-Strauss’s exploration of universal patterns in myths and narratives offers profound insights for management history. Key Lessons for Management History:

    • Narratives as Identity: Stories shape organizational identity and stakeholder alignment.
    • Structures and Systems: Organizations, like societies, are governed by interrelated systems that define power dynamics and hierarchies.
    • Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Understanding diverse perspectives enhances global management practices.
    • Adaptation and Continuity: Organizations must balance historical continuity with innovation to navigate change effectively.

    Pier Luigi Giardino
    Executive Communication Director, AoM MH Division
    University of Trento