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Journal of Management History NEW Issue: Volume 28, Issue 2

  • 1.  Journal of Management History NEW Issue: Volume 28, Issue 2

    Posted 03-08-2022 20:22
    We are pleased to announce our latest JMH issue: Volume 28, Issue 2.

    Towards advancing African management scholarship
    Kevin Ibeh, Joseph Ebot Eyong, Kenneth Amaeshi

    Patent management and the globalization of firms: The case of Siemens (1890-1945)
    Pierre-Yves Donzé, Shigehiro Nishimura

    Technology, market change and the privatisation of communications in Britain
    Edward A. Smith

    "Physics envy" in organisation studies: The case of James G. March
    Jean-Etienne Joullié, Robert Spillane

    Accounting controls at the Society of Jesus - 1646 to 2005
    Martin Quinn, João Oliveira, Alicia Santidrián

    The diffusion of management fads: A popularization perspective
    Irene Pollach

    Performing intersectional identity work over time: The historic case of Viola Turner
    Madison Portie-Williamson, David R. Marshall, Milorad M. Novicevic, Albert J. Mills, Caleb W. Lugar

    Publishing with us!
    Emerald's Journal of Management History is one of the leading journals in the field of management and business history, alongside Management & Organizational History, Business History and Business History Review. In 2020, the journal was ranked in the top quartile in History and the Philosophy of Science. Its H-index was 21, citation score (Scopus) was 1.5, and 2-year citation score with Scimago was 1.113.

    JMH's editorial team continuously seek first-rate contributions that explore the historical origins of contemporary management-related themes. Every society is confronting an unprecedented crisis brought about by the economic, social, political, and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are also pre-existing challenges that persist in the COVId-19 and post-COVID-19 eras.  Across the OECD, virtually every economy has witnessed stagnant or falling productivity levels. In the 13 years between 2008 and 2021, for example, Britain experienced falling levels of productivity in six. Real wages are also falling or stagnant. Most OECD nations are also witnessing falling levels of female and, more particularly, male labor force participation. Social divisions relating to climate change abatement, gender, sexuality and race are becoming more rather than less marked.

    We believe that history can provide examples that provide insight into current problems. We therefore seek contributions that address current managerial and societal problems from an historical standpoint or, alternatively, address contemporary management concepts from a historical point of view. We are especially interested in literature reviews of current theories, topics, or constructs that take a historical perspective. 

    Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    1. Corporate Social Responsibility-is CSR a fad? Or repackaged ideas?
    2. The divergence between research and practice
    3. The historical development of management ideas and practices.
    4. Historical manuscripts that develop theory.
    5. The influence management concepts have had on shaping the present.
    6. The historically contextualized employee-how do work relationships change?
    7. Development/application of historical methods (aside from replaying the debates in management history, JMH been fortunate to be "home" for developing a number of historical/theoretical approaches).

    Conceptually and methodologically, JMH seeks to provide a 'broad-church", opening to conflicting and divergent approaches. Submissions can take a traditional, critical, or postmodernist perspective.

    Check us out here: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1751-1348

    Nicholous Deal
    Graduate Student
    Mount Saint Vincent University
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada