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LSU Sport Management PhD Virtual Open House and Graduate Assistantship Opportunities

  • 1.  LSU Sport Management PhD Virtual Open House and Graduate Assistantship Opportunities

    Posted 01-17-2024 13:05

    Employment announcement (e.g. fellowships, employment opportunities)Graduate Assistantship in Sport Management

    Details: The Sport Management program at the Louisiana State University (LSU); Available graduate assistantship under Dr. Chad Seifried.

    Research Area(s): Facility Management; Modernization, Innovation, and Interorganizational Relationships; Historical and Archival Research;

    Research Contexts: Professional and Intercollegiate Sport

    Editorial Board Activity: Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics (Editor 2013-2018, Editor Emeritus 2018-present), Academy of Management Learning & Education, Management Decision, Journal of Sport Management, Sport History Review, International Journal of Sport Management, Journal of Applied Sport Management, Journal of Management History (Associate Editor 2019-Present)

    What I'm looking For in a PhD Student: Those primarily interested in history as an approach to study management and/or sport management topics. Secondarily, I'd like to recruit doctoral students who might be interested in studying the evolution of College Football Stadiums or Formula 1 race circuits as a future dissertation topic through innovation, modernization, or interorganizational relationships.Information on graduate open house: The Sport Management program at LSU is offering a Virtual Open House on February 2nd (see Zoom link below).

    Schedule10:00am- Welcome and schedule overview10:15am- Prospective student introductions10:30am- Meet the faculty10:45am- Current MS student introductions and backgrounds11:00am- Program Overview - curriculum, sport management career prospects, and more11:30am- Open discussion

    We are currently anticipating 2 possibly 3 new graduate assistantship openings for doctoral students to begin in the 2023-2024 school year. These Sport Management graduate assistantships carry a competitive monthly stipend of $23,000 over 9 months and a full tuition waiver. Additional financial incentives/bonuses at $16,000 or more are potentially available for candidates with an outstanding GRE or GMAT score, high cumulative GPA, and/or from underserved populations. We encourage your students to ask about these as well!

    It should also be noted that several past applicants and doctoral students with LSU Sport Management received university-level fellowships prior to admission and/or been offered university-level dissertation fellowships to complete their coursework. Further, we guarantee other benefits like at least $1,000 annually for travel to conferences.

    Lastly, all former doctoral graduates of our program were successful in receiving tenure-track appointments as their initial job opportunity. Moreover, all of our doctoral graduates secured multiple peer-reviewed publications and presentations prior to graduation.

    In exchange for these benefits, graduate assistants at LSU will be expected to teach 2 lecture classes each semester within our B.S. program in Sport Administration, giving each graduate of LSU real and ample teaching experience as lead instructor prior to hitting the job market.

    The deadline for a graduate assistantship at LSU is March 15, 2024; however, we are looking to cultivate relationships with prospective applicants immediately not only through our Virtual Open House but also other correspondence students may wish to create.

    To facilitate a positive recruiting experience, students interested in our PhD opportunity and graduate assistantships at LSU are encouraged to contact individual faculty members regarding their research fit as a potential advisor, especially if they cannot make our Virtual Open House. Current faculty potentially accepting students at LSU Sport Management include: Claire Zvosec, Tyreal Qian, Mike Martinez, Chad Seifried, and Per Svensson. Our faculty at LSU are published in a variety of top academic journals (e.g., Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, European Sport Management Quarterly, etc.) and active presenting at conferences and serving in editorial roles. Moreover, our program has a good scholarly reputation in the field and production metrics. Please request our flyer for more information about our program faculty and achievements.

    Link to open house Zoom meeting: https://nassh.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=02edfbd25c61e5fc758b6955c&id=afe090a860&e=fd7016a871. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="1">https://lsu.zoom.us/j/8406882013?omn=91863294873; Meeting ID: 840 688 2013

    For more information, https://nassh.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=02edfbd25c61e5fc758b6955c&id=07a1384e70&e=fd7016a871. Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="2">click here.Direct questions to Chad Seifried, Louisiana State University.

    Chad Seifried
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge LA
    (814) 571-5409