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Dear friends and colleagues,
We have organized a special issue of Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion (JMSR) on "Decolonization and Decoloniality in Management Spirituality and Religion Research" and we are looking for your submissions.
The focus is on addressing the impact of decolonization and decoloniality in management practices and knowledge production, including the recognition of non-Western religious traditions, indigenous knowledge systems, and the decommodification of spirituality. The special issue seeks contributions that highlight the role of spirituality and religion in fostering ethical, humane, and sustainable management practices.
The deadline for full submissions is October 30, 2023, with an optional submission of a one-page abstract by July 30, 2023, followed by a workshop (optional) at the AOM conference in Boston (August 7-9, 2023).
The full call for papers appears at https://www.iamsr.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/JMSR-SI-Decolonization-and-Decoloniality-for-web.pdf
Submission: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rmsr (create author account and indicate the special issue)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sunny Jeong at jeongs@wittenberg.edu or Benito L. Teehankee at benito.teehankee@dlsu.edu.ph
Best wishes,
The Editorial Team (Sunny Jeong, Tianyuan Yu, Benito L. Teehankee, Kanti Mohan Saini)
Below is an excerpt from the Call for Papers.
Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion
Call for Papers
"Decolonization and Decoloniality in Management Spirituality and Religion Research"
Decoloniality has emerged as an important topic in management research (Alvesson & Kärreman, 2017; Keddie, 2019; Mingolo, 2011; Ross, 2016) with a growing call for management theories and practices grounded in a local and indigenous context (Kanungo & Jaegar, 1990; Rosenweig, 1994; Rousseasu & Fried, 2001; Tsui, 2004, Bruton et al., 2022). Opportunities for more inclusive and diverse approaches to management research recognize ways in which power and knowledge are intertwined and thus challenge traditional perspectives and practices in management studies. Scholars who conduct research in Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) also recognize the pressing need for understanding the impact of decolonization and decoloniality in management practice and knowledge production such as, 1) a need to include more non-Western religious traditions (Kumar, 2018), 2) epistemological inclusion and full recognition of indigenous knowledge systems and spiritual practices (Mignolo, 2011), 3) decommodification of spirituality ascribed to non-Western spiritual practices (Joshi & Albareda, 2019), 4) bridging voices of marginalized groups such as indigenous communities to address the unequal distribution of power and resources in business (Chowdhury, 2013), 5) the influence of ethnocentrism in developing culturally sensitive management practices that appreciate the unique cultural and spiritual contexts of non-Western organizations (Marschan-Piekkari, et al., 1999). For this special issue, we recognize distinct differences between decolonization and decoloniality and are interested in scholarly works considering both perspectives. Decoloniality is a broader concept than decolonization (Grosfoguel, 2013; Mignolo, 2011). Decolonization focuses on undoing the political and economic effects of colonialism, regaining power and resources taken by the colonizers (Fanon, 1961). Decoloniality, on the other hand, is concerned with addressing the deeper cultural, spiritual and epistemological issues that underlie colonialism, and is a critical response to the ongoing legacies of colonialism, imperialism, and Eurocentrism that continue to shape knowledge production and society (Mignolo & Walsh, 2018). Decoloniality involves challenging and transforming systems of inequality, as well as addressing the ongoing cultural and epistemological influences of colonialism that continue to shape our understanding of spirituality in management. We are therefore interested in scholarly works that highlight the role of spirituality and religion in fostering ethical, humane and sustainable management practices.
Indicative list of themes/topics of interest:
1. Our interest is in critical and reflexive approaches to MSR research that recognize various aspects of knowledge production and the legitimacy of theory creations in power relations. Topics in this theme may include,
● Identifying current boundaries in the understanding of MSR research through Decolonization ● Concurrence and positioning in Western and Indigenous contexts of MSR practice and scholarship ● How transformation through decoloniality is happening and is impacting individual(s) and organization(s) ● How transformational change can inform MSR knowledge and practice ● Exploring the dark side of coloniality in MSR research ● Promise and politics of decolonization ● Decolonial perspectives on gender, race, the human body, and bodily practices (including disability) in relation to spirituality and religion
2. New research objectives, methods, processes (ontology, epistemology, axiology, technique, method, rigor criteria), analytical tools and concepts of decoloniality, including border thinking, colonial difference, and pluriversality (Braud, 2009; Fornaciari and Lund Dean, 2001); Lin, et al., 2016; Mignolo, 2022; Storberg-Walker, 2021; Tackney, et al., 2017; Yu, et al., 2023). In consonance with this area, we welcome non-positivist approaches based on non-Western and indigenous worldviews in the MSR domain. Topics in this theme may include,
●Decolonial MSR research that develops or adopts spiritual research methodologies drawn from Eastern, non-positivist, non-Anglophone, or Indigenous philosophies and spiritual traditions ● Developing non-positivist evaluation (or "rigor") criteria that ensure the quality of spiritual research paradigms ● Restoring local MSR knowledge or indigenous epistemologies
3. Recognizing and centering perspectives of marginalized groups and incorporating their experiences into MSR practices and theories (Fernández Pinto, 2018, 2019; studies in the Philippines by Enriquz, 1999; Smith, 1999; Yu et al., 2023) Topics in this theme may include,
•Research design that involves co-creation of knowledge with local stakeholders, or research that is designed to empower and benefit marginalized communities • Decolonial perspectives on spiritual and religious practices, traditions and rituals • Role of languages in MSR research • Decolonial MSR practices that bring a marginalized view to the center
4. Addressing the impacts of colonialism and imperialism on the environment and marginalized groups and developing more sustainable and regenerative MSR framework, theory and practices (Bhattacharyya, 2018; Castellano, 2014; Pinto, 2018; 2019; Rockefeller & Elder, 1992).
● Decolonial perspectives that recognizes the interconnectedness of social, economic, and environmental systems ● Decolonial perspectives on sustainability and the natural environment
Tianyuan Yu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax NS Canada