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EURAM 2024 - Management History Track

  • 1.  EURAM 2024 - Management History Track

    Posted 10-04-2023 09:32
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    Dear all,

    As we gear up for the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2024 in Bath, UK, I'm pleased to highlight our track on "Historical Research in Management Studies".

    Aim of the Track:

    Our track focuses on the historical development of management across various domains, from entrepreneurship and strategy to areas like marketing, retailing, and more. We aim to address the evolution of pivotal management concepts, theories, and practices. Additionally, the track sheds light on the adaptation and progression of historical research methods over time. We seek to interlink theoretically oriented social science history with contemporary debates and practices in the management discipline.

    We warmly welcome contributions in the following areas:

    • Historical analyses of management concepts, theories, and practices.
    • Discussions on revisiting or introducing new directions in historical research within management.

    The co-coordinators of this track are:

    • Matteo Cristofaro, University of Rome Tor Vergata
    • Kevin Tennent, University of York
    • Massimo Sargiacomo, University of Pescara
    • Michael Weatherburn, Imperial College London
    • James Fowler, University of Essex
    • Adoración Álvaro-Moya, CUNEF (Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros)
    • David Boughey, University of Exeter Business School
    • Sébastien Damart, Paris Dauphine-PSL University

    Enclosed with this letter is the Call for Papers detailing the themes, submission guidelines, and other pertinent details for our track.

    Your expertise and insights would undoubtedly enrich the discussions and contribute immensely to the success of this track. We would be honored if you could consider contributing a paper or participating in the sessions.

    Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please get in touch with us directly.

    We hope to see you in Bath!

    Warm regards,

    Matteo Cristofaro


    Matteo Cristofaro
    Assistant Professor of Management
    PDW Chair of the Management History Division at AOM
    University of Rome Tor Vergata