Join the Management History Division in Boston for our annual plenary session.
When: Sunday, August 6, 2023
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00pm (Eastern Time Zone)
Where: Simmons Room, Boston Marriott Copley Place.
Jeffrey Muldoon
Derek Lidow
Howard Aldrich
Daniel Wadhwani
William B. Gartner
Christina Lubinski
The recent assembly and analysis of artifacts concerning the emergence and evolution of entrepreneurial impact on society has led to the publication of conclusions that challenge core tenants of management history. These challenges include 'where', 'when', and 'how' entrepreneurship emerged as a distinct behavior, distinctions between entrepreneurial and managerial motivations and actions, critical differences between the innovation generated under entrepreneurial leadership and that caused under professional management, crucial differences between the frequency and magnitude of unintended consequences developed by entrepreneurial leaders and professionally managed organizations, among others. The panel will discuss and debate the relevance of these challenges and suggest fertile avenues for future research.
Nicholous Deal
Assistant Professor
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada