Microhistory for Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Research
Professional Development Workshop
2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Friday, August 4th, 2023. 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Boston Marriott Copley Place, Salon E
We are excited to announce a Professional Development Workshop focused on microhistory at the Academy of Management Meeting co-sponsored by multiple divisions, including STR, ENT, MH, OMT, RM, and TIM. This PDW brings together historians with leading history-engaged scholars in strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship to explore the application of microhistory to management research. The goals of the PDW are to develop awareness and understanding of microhistory as a research method and guide researchers in designing microhistorical studies.
The Microhistory PDW consists of three components:
1. Microhistory Overview for Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Andrew Hargadon and Daniel Wadhwani will lead Section A. The overview will give participants a working understanding of microhistory and its role in developing management-relevant theory. The overview will focus on (a) the distinct explanatory character of the microhistory approach, (b) its relationship to other types of historical knowledge production, and (c) opportunities and means for using microhistory to advance research in strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
2. Microhistory in Conversation with History-Engaged Researchers. Leading, history-engaged scholars Rajshree Agarwal, Lamar Pierce, and Mary Tripsas will draw connections between their work and the formalized concept of microhistory. They will explore how historical methods, and microhistory specifically, can address existing questions in the discipline in new ways and how such approaches can develop new research agendas. This session will conclude with a Q&A including all scholars and PDW participants.
3. Interactive Roundtable Sessions. Three working groups will be convened, each pairing a historian (Hargadon, Kirsch, and Wadhwani) and a "history-engaged" scholar (Agarwal, Pierce, Tripsas) to focus on accepted projects with the intent of working with the author teams to explore how the microhistorical approach is relevant to the project, how it might apply to it, the contribution of the work, and handling expected comments from reviewers less familiar with microhistory. To be included in the roundtable sessions, participants must submit a document including a project summary and details about the team (See Apply Now below for submission guidelines).
The Microhistory Overview, Conversation on Microhistory Panel, and Q&A are open to all AOM 2023 attendees. The Interactive roundtable sessions are limited to those that have submitted an accepted project.
· Friday, August 4th, 2023. 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
· Boston Marriott Copley Place, Salon E
· Rajshree Agarwal, University of Maryland
· Andrew Hargadon, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
· David Kirsch, University of Maryland
· Lamar Pierce, Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School
· Mary Tripsas, UC Santa Barbara College of Engineering
· R. Daniel Wadhwani, USC Marshall School of Business
Apply Now
Applications to participate in the Interactive Session Roundtables are now open.
Please submit a document including the following elements:
- Paper title
- Submitter's name and current status (e.g., doctoral student, faculty, etc.)
- Full author team;
- Paper or paper summary.
Please submit here:
The deadline to apply is June 23rd, 2023.
We have limited spots available, so we encourage you to apply early.
We look forward to seeing you!
Jay Habegger ( &
David Kirsch (
Microhistory for Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
Professional Development Workshop
2023 Academy of Management Meeting
Jay Habegger
Graduate Student
University of Maryland
Hyattsville MD