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Philosophy of Management: Call for Special Issue Proposals 2023

  • 1.  Philosophy of Management: Call for Special Issue Proposals 2023

    Posted 07-02-2023 07:14
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    Philosophy of Management invites proposals for special issues (SI) on specific topics within the aims and scope of the journal: looking at management theory and practice through philosophical lenses and/or engaging in philosophical inquiry. This includes joining, revising, critiquing (or examining unaddressed aspects of) any extant conversations– as well as initiating and proposing novel and promising research agendas – in the philosophy of management.

    The guest editors can propose to mobilise any philosophical concept, theory, methodology, school of thought, and/or tradition from any period of time. A SI proposal may refer to any particular issue in management studies, which can be discussed within one of the traditional areas of philosophy (such as aesthetics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, ontology) or within one of the various areas where philosophy is usually applied to (e.g. ethics, politics, society, economics, law, science, psychology, linguistics). The SI may also adopt a historical approach for inquiring, for  instance, into the evolution of a concept or practice or a "-meta" standpoint as applicable to the philosophy of management theory and practice. It may also encourage an exchange of perspectives on topics and ideas developed in related disciplines that the guest editors might deem relevant for a better grasp of key issues in the philosophy of management.

    Further GUIDELINES are attached.

    SI proposals can be submitted at any time to the Philosophy of Management associate editor in charge: Dr. Marian Eabrasu, < meabrasu@em-normandie.fr >.

    Dr Cristina Neesham
    Associate Professor, Director of Business Ethics and CSR
    Newcastle University Business School
    Newcastle University, United Kingdom