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SUBMISSION BY JULY 31! 2023 AOM PDW – BOSTON Tradition: Resource or Constraint? Rediscovering the Role of Tradition in Organizations

  • 1.  SUBMISSION BY JULY 31! 2023 AOM PDW – BOSTON Tradition: Resource or Constraint? Rediscovering the Role of Tradition in Organizations

    Posted 07-14-2023 13:54

    This PDW builds on the recent revival of research on the role of tradition in organizations. The convoluted challenge that organizations, managers, and workers face is how to leverage traditions as a resource while simultaneously pursuing innovation and organizational renewal. Therefore, the PDW addresses the challenges that organizations face in framing tradition as a 'resource or constraint'. Although existing research has started to address this challenge, there are many unresolved questions such as: To what extent can tradition go hand in hand with innovation? How to accommodate the renewal of a cherished tradition without stifling it? Can traditions from different cultural spheres be combined? What are the ethical considerations in using traditions?, and many more.

    This PDW is structured in two parts. The first half will be open to all participants interested in hearing our distinguished panelists. The second half of the PDW will be reserved for those participants who have pre-registered and submitted a short, executive summary of a paper they are working on. Each participant will have 20 mins time to gain high-quality feedback from the mentors and panelists. Please contact the workshop organizers (innan.sasaki@wbs.ac.uk; gc59@stern.nyu.edu; Simone.Ferriani.2@city.ac.uk) to register and submit the short papers. The deadline to register is July 31, 2023.

    Innan Sasaki (Warwick University, UK), Gino Cattani (Stern Business School – NYU), Simone Ferriani (Bologna University & City, University of London)

    Gino Cattani (Stern Business School – NYU, US) Tina Dacin (Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Canada) Ann Langley (HEC Montréal, Canada & University of Warwick, UK) Davide Ravasi (UCL School of Management, UK) Eero Vaara (University of Oxford, UK) Sofiane Baba (University of Sherbrooke, Canada) Laura Dupin (Amsterdam Business School, Netherlands) Simone Ferriani (Bologna University, Italy & City, University of London, UK) Innan Sasaki (University of Warwick, UK)

    The PDW will be an opportunity to announce two related initiatives: a forthcoming special issue on Tradition and Innovation in Advances in Strategic Management and a paper development workshop open to all the selected participants, which will be held in the UNESCO world heritage site of Matera (Italy) on December 15-16, 2023.

    If you are interested and available to contribute to the workshop, please send your proposal (working paper or extended abstract) to: Workshop@EMAIL.org by 1 October 2023. Notification of inclusion in the workshop will be sent to the authors by 15 October 2023. Submission to the workshop and inclusion in the workshop programme does not imply in any way consideration for the Special Issue of Advances in Strategic Management, "Tradition as Resource or Constraint for Strategic Action." Authors interested in submitting to the Special Issue will have to submit their work also to the Special Issue following the instructions at this link. General information on the AiSM series can be found here (Call for Paper AiSM 2023.pdf (emeraldinsight.com)). 


    Dr Innan Sasaki
    Associate Professor, Organisation and Work, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL.
    Work Tel: +44 24 765 24267
    Email: innan.sasaki@wbs.ac.uk

    Innan Sasaki